US Release Date: August 2002
Pages: 137
Chapters: 21, plus prologue.
Who's on the cover?: Violet Blake
Cover Artist: Jonathan Barkat
Cover Designer: Ursula S. Albano
Dedication: For Michael and Jake; For Lucca
Chapter by Chapter:
Prologue: pages 1-4, 2Face.
Chapter 1: pages 5-11, Jobs. "You know it's going to cause trouble, right?"
Chapter 2: pages 12-18, Jobs. "I've found something, Violet."
Chapter 3: pages 19-28, Jobs. "The pain -- it's still there. But the memory is fading."
Chapter 4: pages 29-34, Violet Blake, Kubrick. "Maybe we should get out of here while we can."
Chapter 5: pages 35-44, D-Caf. "D-Caf wanted very badly to go home."
Chapter 6: pages 45-51, Billy Weir. "Billy Weir was so alone."
Chapter 7: pages 52-58, Jobs. "There's a place I can't go."
Chapter 8: pages 59-63, Dr. Cohen. "Here we go, kiddies."
Chapter 9: pages 64-69, Edward. "I'd like to be special."
Chapter 10: pages 70-75, Mo'Steel, Jobs. "Something didn't make sense."
Chapter 11: pages 76-80, 2Face, Jobs. "Why are you here, Yago?"
Chapter 12: pages 81-83, Yago, Jobs. "We should stay together."
Chapter 13: pages 84-89, Kubrick, Violet Blake. "You're breaking the rules, buddy."
Chapter 14: pages 90-96, Jobs, 2Face. "I will see Yago."
Chapter 15: pages 97-102, Mo'Steel, 2Face, Tamara Hoyle. "Personally, I'm enjoying this."
Chapter 16: pages 103-105, 2Face, Tate. "Why all the secrecy?"
Chapter 17: pages 106-109, 2Face. "We're going home, people. We're going home."
Chapter 18: pages 110-118, Jobs. "End of the line."
Chapter 19: pages 119-122, Billy Weir. "The solitary life is not all it's cracked up to be, is it?"
Chapter 20: pages 123-129, Jobs. "What does she know that we don't?"
Chapter 21: pages 130-137, Jobs, Violet Blake. "It was real but it had to be fake."
Sample Chapter included: Chapter 14 of No Place Like Home
Deaths: One, TR, by a Blue Meanie's flechette gun.
Human Population at beginning: 27
Human Population at end: 26